<< Services
Orientation of Adoption
- Prior to accepting a certification application, OAS will provide the person with adoption orientation which will explain the following:
- The adoption process, including all legally mandated procedures and estimated time frames for completion of such procedures.
- OAS policies and procedures that directly affect services to adoptive parents.
- OAS fee structure and written fee agreement.
- The children number and types of children (ages, ethnicity) for adoption and expected length of time between certification and placement.
- The state’s responsibility for licensing and monitoring agencies, and the public’s right to register a complaint about an agency.
- The function of the Central Adoption Registry and the adoptive parent’s right to decide whether to be included in the Registry.
- Confidentiality requirements, open adoptions, and the Confidential Intermediary program.
- The requirements to reimburse AHCCCS for the cost of prenatal care and delivery of a child, if applicable.